Cherry Blossom Memories

by Terry Rowe
Cherry Blossom Memories
Terry Rowe
Photograph - Digital Photography
The cherry trees blooming in Washington, DC is a long-awaited event every year, and every year the most important question about spring is the timing of the peak blooming of the cherry trees. Many people rise well before dawn to wait for sunrise and first light to gild the blossoms.
This is a close-up picture of the cherry blossoms, in the background, across the Tidal Basin, is the Jefferson Memorial. It is just after dawn.
The National Cherry Blossom Festival celebrates spring in Washington, DC, the gift of the cherry blossom trees, and the enduring friendship between the people of the United States and Japan.
The plantings of the cherry blossom trees originated as a gift in 1912 from the people of Japan to the United States as gesture of friendship and goodwill. Since then, the number of trees has expanded to approximately 3,750 trees of 16 varieties on National Park Service land.
Of the initial gift of 12 varieties of trees, two, the Yoshino and Kwanzan, now dominate.
The Yoshino produces single white blossoms that create an effect of white clouds around the Tidal Basin and north onto the grounds of the Washington Monument. Intermingled with the Yoshino are a small number of Akebono cherry trees, which bloom at the same time as the Yoshino and produce single, pale-pink blossoms.
The Kwanzan grows primarily in East Potomac Park and comes into bloom two weeks after the Yoshino. It produces clusters of clear pink double blossoms. East Potomac Park also has Fugenzo, which produces rosy pink double blossoms, and Shirofugen, which produces white double blossoms that age to pink.
Interspersed among all the trees are the Weeping Cherry, which produces a variety of single and double blossoms of colors ranging from dark pink to white about a week before the Yoshino. Other cultivars that can be found are the Autumn Cherry (semi-double, pink), Sargent Cherry (single, deep pink), Usuzumi (white-grey), and Takesimensis.
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April 12th, 2013