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Empty Shell of a House Photograph by Terry Rowe

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Comments (12)

Sandra Clark

Sandra Clark

I like the colors and texture of this ;piece Terry good job

Terry Rowe replied:

Sandra, thank you!

Renee Trenholm

Renee Trenholm

This is a very nice capture with contrast between the house and the colorful leaves. V/F I paid a surprise visit from WFSG and voted/faved some of your artwork.

Terry Rowe replied:

Thanks for the visit Renee!

Debra and Dave Vanderlaan

Debra and Dave Vanderlaan

Love the lighting and color Terry! We Voted! Celebrate life, Debra and Dave

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you! Appreciate the visit!

Lynn Bauer

Lynn Bauer

Love the touch of autumn colors on this!! v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thanks Lynn!

Marcia Weller-Wenbert

Marcia Weller-Wenbert

Great textures and colors in this - love the missing boards and rusty roof - adds interest. v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Marcia!

Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly

Terry, terrific find and image, f/v

Terry Rowe replied:


Jack Zulli

Jack Zulli

Now this is a one room unit, nice capture;) v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you!

Deborah Benoit

Deborah Benoit

Love this, fantastic!!! f/v

Terry Rowe replied:


Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

beautiful! v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thanks for the vote!

Amy Weiss

Amy Weiss

Beautiful capture, Terry! I especially love the soft dappled light and autumn colors. I'm always drawn to places like this. :) f/v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Amy! I've been known to slam on the brakes when I see an abandoned building. They're all attractive to me.

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Empty Shell of a House by Terry Rowe
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