Just a Dream

by Terry Rowe
Just a Dream
Terry Rowe
Photograph - Digital Photography And Mixed Media
A composite art piece made of two photographs. The base image is of a graffiti covered wall that was then digitally altered. The second photograph is of a lotus in bloom. The images were combined to create a piece that evokes one of the many dreams I had during the COVID pandemic shutdown. A sense of constrained anxiety accompanied by a hope, a wish, that like the lotus, this time would rise out of the mud and muck into something worthwhile and beautiful.
Please feel free to share any of my art works with family and friends by forwarding the link.
If you are on Facebook, please visit my page, tART - Photography & Art by Terry
Rowe, https://www.facebook.com/tarrowe. Thank you for visiting and viewing my work!
Note: Watermarks will not appear on final prints.
Copyright Notice: All images on this web site are protected by the U.S. and international copyright laws, all rights reserved. The images may not be copied, reproduced, manipulated or used in any way, without written permission of Terry Rowe, artist. Any unauthorized usage will be prosecuted to the full extent of U.S. Copyright Law.
July 15th, 2020
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