New Mexico Meditation

by Terry Rowe
New Mexico Meditation
Terry Rowe
Photograph - Digital Photography
Artist News group
New Mexico is a magical place, and I visit as often as I possibly can. This simple adobe church in Chimayo is elegant in it's simplicity. Every time I visit Chimayo I feel the magical spirit of the place that is so special. The bright shining sun added to the glory of this visit.
About 30 minutes north of Santa Fe, New Mexico, in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo mountains, lies the tiny community of Chimayo. Chimayo was founded near the end of the 17th century by Spanish settlers in a fertile valley nourished by the Santa Cruz River and protected by the surrounding foothills.
Chimayo is also believed by many to be the site of a miracle which occurred about 200 years ago. Miraculous healings are believed to have occurred at the site where a wooden crucifix was unearthed. Father Sebastian Alvarez in his letter to the Episcopal See of Durango, dated November l6, l8l3, expressed his feelings of the people coming from afar to seek cures for their ailments and the spreading of the fame of their cures, induced many more faithful to come in pilgrimage. He did not mention any specific fact, but something was there. Because of this a chapel was built in 1816 called el Santuario de Nuestro Senor de Esquipulas. This chapel, now commonly called el Santuario de Chimayo, is the destination of thousands of pilgrims and travellers each year who come for various reasons; some hoping to be healed, some simply for curiousity, and some hoping to be restored spiritually by the tranquility and hospitality of the surroundings. El Santuario has also been called the "Lourdes of America. El Santuario has been a place of worship from the beginning - a place to pray, to thank, to ask, to meditate and to experience peace of mind as well as of body.
For many, Chimayo is the starting point and most important stop on the High Road to Taos, the breathtaking trip that begins at the Rio Grande river and winds through high alpine forests of dark ponderosa pine and golden aspen and tiny, ancient adobe communities nestled in the Sangre de Cristo mountains. The journey ends in the skiing and art community of Taos.
~Source: Wikipedia
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February 15th, 2013