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The Tulips Stand Arrayed - A Still Life Photograph by Terry Rowe

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Comments (21)

Felicia Tica

Felicia Tica

Your works are amazing! L/F

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Felicia!

HH Photography

HH Photography

So beautiful and nostalgic. Great arrangement of the different components in this still life. v/fv/tw

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you!

Randi Grace Nilsberg

Randi Grace Nilsberg

Beautiful! Well done!

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Randi!

Susan Wiedmann

Susan Wiedmann

Old-fashioned yet timeless! V.

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Susan!

Suzanne Stout

Suzanne Stout

Gorgeous still life Terry! F/V.

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Suzanne!

Sandi OReilly

Sandi OReilly

Beautiful still life and work Terry, f/v.

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Sandi!

Lori Frisch

Lori Frisch


Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you!

Deborah Benoit

Deborah Benoit

Gorgeous still life!! f/v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Deborah!

Jack Zulli

Jack Zulli

Like what you've created here! v/f

Terry Rowe replied:

Thanks for stopping by & the v/f - appreciate it Jack.

Kume Bryant

Kume Bryant

Beautiful! v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you!

Robert Ford

Robert Ford

Such beautiful muted colors! V/F

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you!

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

gorgeous still life! v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thanks Joan! And especially thanks for the vote.

Cheryl Baxter

Cheryl Baxter

Wonderful composition and image! v/f

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Cheryl!

Athena Mckinzie

Athena Mckinzie

I love the texture on this picture, voted.

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you for the vote!

Joan Bertucci

Joan Bertucci

Beautiful still-life image Terry with rich colors and lovely textures! v/f

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Joan - appreciate you looking & commenting!

Jon Burch Photography

Jon Burch Photography

Beautiful Terry! (v)

Terry Rowe replied:

Thank you Jon for the vote! Appreciate it!

Clotilde Espinosa

Clotilde Espinosa

I love your work Terry, all are fantastic!!! F/V.

Terry Rowe replied:

Thanks for the F/V!

Carla Parris

Carla Parris

Lovely still life, Terry. v

Terry Rowe replied:

Thanks for the vote!

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The Tulips Stand Arrayed - A Still Life by Terry Rowe
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